3D Character with 2D Parts (3D Leads) [Chapter Five]

Chapter five was by far the easiest chapter to write. It chronicles the group project that was going on the same time I was writing the book.  We started the group project just a little after I started the book and I asked the group to please adhere to one rule: Create a hybrid character.  And they did.  The visual rule for the project was that anything man made was to be in 3D and anything organic was to be in 2D.  So, the main character is a 2D man inside of a 3D body cast - and it has turned out very hilarious. In fact, as this book and webpage goes to press - the film is completing and going into film festivals.  Wow - how's that for proof of concept!  Not only is it a living example of how 2D and 3D work - since it is truly a production piece it is also a living example of how some things can go wrong!  We broke our own rules - and it shows in a few shots...well, we see it anyway.  It happens to everyone - and I'm happy to say we certainly tested out this book's concepts on the project.

Read more about the making of Jaguar McGuire, the 2D 3D group project at the Jaguar McGuire Blog.
This image was a previs image created by Clint Donaldson, the project's director. (SCAD MFA student 2010).  You see a 2D man in a 3D cast.

Chapter Five's Project:
Chapter Five's Project has two parts.
1. Take a critical look at a film of your choice that could have done a better job at combining their 2D and 3D elements. What is wrong with the combination?  What could have been better?

2.  Create a scene of a 3D character with 2D parts.  Complete either the Jaguar McGuire scene or one of your own.  Scene should be short enough to finish in two weeks time. Scene should be turned in at final composite stage.

Companion Data:

Student Examples ( and some extra images) can be found at:
The first image is incorrectly credited - it is storyboards by Jason Walling (BFA Animation 2009)
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